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SalesToll Free USA: 888-274-8721 (888-BSI-USA-1) - Weekdays 8am to 5pm PacificInternational: + 1 541-338-8588 Fax: 541-338-8656 To contact BSI Sales via email, please use the form below, or for sales enquiries outside the US please contact the relevant authorized distributor. Security: Request Submitted from IP Address: IMPORTANT: Please ensure that any email or spam filters allow all mail from the domain. Please try and avoid 'free' Email services, such as Hotmail or GMail, that may filter our reply to you.
Tech Support24/7 Emergency Off-Air Technical Support:541-342-5250 (Requires current Platinum Tech Care Plan)
Phone Support:Available during normal business hours (6am-6pm Pacific Monday-Friday, except holidays) 541-342-5250 (Requires current Platinum or Gold Tech Care Plan)
Technical Support (Ticket System):For non-urgent tech support, please use our support ticket system to Create A Support Ticket. We aim to respond to Support Tickets received within 60 minutes for Platinum TCP or same business day for Gold TCP, during 6am to 6pm Pacific on weekdays.
User Forum:Visit the BSI User Forum Here to discuss support and usage issues with other BSI product users. The User Forum is open to all users, including users that don't have a paid tech support plan. |